Message from Our Pastor

Pastor's Message

Greetings and welcome to Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School! An important ministry for our church parish is to provide education. A balanced education that seeks ultimately to know, love, and serve God is considered a part of Jesus’ great commission to the Church to make disciples through teaching (Mt. 28:20). This is the great mission of Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Pope St. John Paul II said to Catholic educators, “Catholic education is above all a question of communicating Christ, of helping to form Christ in the lives of others.” This is done first through teaching the faith. We could never place a value on teaching young people how to pray, or the lessons of the Bible, or how salvation comes to us through Christ, or the work He continues to do throughout Church history, or about His holy saints.

The Church’s tradition of education is not reserved to religious studies, but includes all that helps form the human person. St. Paul wrote that God “wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.” Truth does not exclude any of the classic fields of education. God created us to be intellectual creatures with the ability to know Him not exclusively through His revelation in religion, but also through His creative activity in the world. Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School is a part of this great tradition of forming young minds to be knowledgeable and sound thinkers.

Finally, the mark of any work related to Jesus must include forming virtue and inspire the works of mercy for others. All of us at Most Blessed Sacrament want to help you form your student to strive for goodness in personal, social, and public life.

It is a great privilege for us to help families form their children to be well-rounded human beings. With you we will work to prepare your student for success in this life and for the ultimate calling to become a saint of Jesus Christ.

Totus Tuus,
Fr. Todd Lloyd
Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church