All families are automatically members of the MBS Home & School Association and $20 of your tuition per child goes directly to Home & School to help support the many activities throughout the school year. Our activities involve coordinating volunteers, hosting and organizing events, and promoting fundraising efforts. If you would like to get involved, please contact of the H&S Officers for more information.
Home and School Officers
President: Lauren Stelly
Co-Vice President: Angela Warren & Margo Kitto
Treasurer: Jenny Bellone
Secretary: Amanda Robertson
Home & School Committee Members
Facilitates the Buddy Program between K-2 and 6-8 Grades with activities throughout the year
Class Coordinators: Jessica Gill, Noelle Comeaux, Nicole Vidaurre
Recruits and manages the Class Coordinators based on the individual needs of the grade level.
Dances: Michelle Leerkes, Hanna Joly
Responsible for the planning and coordination of the Mother/Father events. (Father/Daughter dance, Mother/Son movie night, etc.)
Fun Run: Tara Watson, Penne Leier
Organizes the school's largest fundraiser, including prizes and activities.
Gifts: Kristin Marino
Responsible for the management of Back to School and Teacher Birthday Gift Cards.
Hospitality: Allison Toups, Alicia Authement, Kate Dedman, Aimee Gautreau
Responsible for the planning and coordination of Back to School Night, Grandparents Day, 8th Grade Science Fair Refreshments and Cafeteria Volunteers.
May Crowning: Ashley Ferrer
Oversees the May Crowning Mass and placement of flowers at the Church and School Courtyard.
PALS Luncheon: Mandi Celestine, Margo Kitto
Plans and coordinates the annual luncheon for teachers and staff including decor, food, and volunteers.
Pelican Games: Tara Watson, Allison Davis
Plans and coordinates the activities for Pelican Games as well as the recruitment and management of volunteers.
Pelican Partners: Tricia Hollis
Coordinates with local restaurants and retailers for fundraising opportunities. Manages the collection of community coffee collectibles.
School Supplies: Rebecca Fontenot, Cigi Midgett
Coordinates school supply orders and organizes the sorting and distribution of all supplies.
Spirit Shirts: Shea Berrio
Handles the ordering and distribution of Spirit Shirts.
Used Uniforms: Emelie Wright, Jessica Chatelain
Coordinates the Used Uniform Sale including the collection and organization of items from sellers and payments to sellers.
Classroom Coordinators